How to win the battle against the cold and flu ?

How to win the battle against the cold and flu ?


How to win the battle against the cold and flu ?Because the cold and flu season is slowly taking over, here are some tips on what to eat to strengthen our immune system and stay “en garde” throughout the winter.

Strengthening the immune system means not only taking extra Vitamin C. You definitely need to eat more fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of vitamin C, but there are many more foods you can eat to stay in shape in the cold months of winter.

The plan below was created to ensure the supply with all the nutrients the body needs to strengthen the immune system. We have included the most important nutrient groups – the ones that everyone knows, such as vitamins and minerals, to the less known, such as the phenols (found in grapes). Many of these substances are found in the natural defense system of the plants, so when you consume those fruits, vegetables or herbs, their compounds, strengthen your immune system. Why don’t you cut this guide out and paste it on the fridge?

FOODS that strengthen the immune system :

  • BLUEBERRIES are good for strengthening the immune system. They are rich in antioxidants .
  • BROCCOLI protects us against cancer, is rich in antioxidants , vitamins C and E, folic acid and iron.
  • CARROTS rich in carotene , known for its benefits to the immune system.
  • LETTTUCE and other GREEN vegetables Those having an astringent taste , such as the endive, stimulates liver functions and are very good in detoxification. Lettuce contains vitamins , minerals and antioxidants.
  • BEET rich in minerals, has antioxidant, anticancer , anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.
  • BRAZIL NUTS It is enough to eat two or three a day to benefit from vitamin E, selenium and vitamin B
  • GRAPEFRUIT has antiseptic and antibacterial properties .
  • GARLIC enhances the activity of the heart ,the blood flow, has antibacterial and antiviral properties . Reduces blood pressure and fights cancer.
  • CURRANTS are known to prevent urinary tract infections ,especially cystitis that women suffer from mostly. They have also antiviral properties.
  • GINGER stimulates the immune system and circulation .

Fruits: Apples, grapes, oranges, tomatoes and berries such as blackberries, blueberries and strawberries. Vegetables: garlic, lettuce (several varieties to benefit from a wider range of nutrients and not get bored), green or red peppers, spinach and watercress. Other: olive oil, whole grains and whole wheat bread.

Fruits: avocado, banana, blueberries, kiwi. Vegetables: sprouted beans, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, onions, parsley, potatoes. Other: chicken (skinless to reduce fat content), eggs, fish, flax seed oil, flax seeds, milk (a study shows that organic milk has a higher content of vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants than conventional milk), oats, raisins, red wine, rice, soy, tea, yogurt (contains beneficial bacteria that keep the intestines healthy).

Fruits: Grapefruit, lemon, lime (grate the skin and add it to salads and rice). Vegetables: cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chilli peppers, leeks, okra, peas, mushrooms, corn, potatoes. Other: almonds, Brazil nuts, chocolate, green tea, lentils, quinoa wheat (most nutritious of all grains), red beans, red meat, rice, sunflower seeds, turkey, saffron, nuts.

Fruits: apricots, melon, papaya, pears, pineapple. Vegetables: eggplant, beets, pumpkin,zucchini. Other: Chicken liver, chickpeas

Eat more fruits and vegetables that are specific for each season. Organic vegetables and fruits are the perfect choice to ensure the portion of nutrients.
Healthy foods for children, during the winter:
Raisins – a wonderful snack. Choose organic raisins to avoid preservatives.
Sesame seeds -Sprinkle them on the things you fry, in salads and over cereals.
Sweet potatoes- try eating them baked.
Oranges and tangerines -perfect for lunch package.
Dried apricots perfect for a snack, being very filling.
Papaya -cut into pieces and serve it as a snack.
Peanut butter – perfect for sandwiches and do not forget that little stump fell great oaks.
Carrots are added to stews and soups or cut them into bars and serve as a snack.
Kiwi- served with a spoon, like boiled eggs
Sardines-served on toast bread.

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