Abduction by aliens: reality or manufacturing of mind?

Abduction by aliens: reality or manufacturing of mind?


Abduction by aliens: reality or manufacturing of mind?  Cases of abduction by aliens have always been a controversial subject: on one hand, there are arguments that attempt to prove their reality, some scientists interpreting even cave paintings or other primitive artifacts and and ancient as graphical representations of some abduction. On the other hand, many deny theabductions reality explaining not by bad-will or lie, but in some fascinating psychological phenomena.

The most important argument seen as evidence that abductions by aliens actually happens in reality, is the similarity testimonies of those who pass through such experiences. In most of the abducted are found a number of common elements: the lights and flying plate shape, ray that raises the body to ship or the tunnel reaching the ship, humanoid looking beings and big eyes that communicate telepathically, dazzling lights, liquid environment in which it’s possible to breathe, tests and medical investigations they get through, returning home without remembering just fragments dispersed, flow of the time.

A second argument relates to those abducted by aliens: their stories are similar, but how (and why) would invent different people the same stories? Indeed, the experiences are experienced by people of different races, ages, genders, religions, backgrounds, and statuses; logic would be that each of them would invent and imagine different experiences, environmental influences, their life, age and so on!

But exactly on these elements develop other scientists an different explanation of cases of abductions by aliens: No, it’s not about lies. Those abducted believe in their experience. But this experience is not real!

It talks about the phenomenon of false memories or manufactured unconsciously. It is a very real phenomenon , which is often manifesting in cases of traumatic or stressful experiences; exactly when a person lives a bad experience, the mind represses, it hide’s it in the subconscious and manufactures in its place an imaginary experience! For example, children or sexually abused women repress this experience and manufactures false memories that replace it.

Can be the abductions by aliens such false memories manufactured unconsciously? This would explain why abducted people insist telling the truth: they really believe in what they remember. Situations of major stress, anxiety, fear and shock, as well as certain disorders (many abductees have a penchant to paranoia) can lead to the phenomenon of manufacturing memories.

Why would the mind manufacture an abduction by aliens? First, the abduction is a well-known scenario, everyone knowing fictional or actual cases and examples. The abductions are interesting and popular phenomena , that’s why this scenario is available to everyone; anyone can produce a scenario in which is abducted.

A second explanation relates to the universality of the human psyche and the intrauterine life. Alvin Lawson presented the first time this interesting theory that explains the abductions by aliens: these are a replay, an imaginary re-editing of intrauterine and birth experiences! People remember their life before birth, but not consciously. So abductions memories are re-edits of people before they were born.

Arguments for this explanation – alien appearance is similar to the human embryo; ship shape reminds of the uterus; liquid environment that some tell about that there is inside the vessel, is the amniotic fluid ; tunnel or beam they reach to the ship, is birth experience; blinding light is the first light the newborn sees ; strange-looking creatures around examining and experimenting are doctors, nurses. In conclusion, this theory says that people use their memories before birth turning them into memories of an abduction, the scenario being a well-known one . The experience is real only in the human mind.

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